If anything can go wrong, it will


If anything can go wrong, it will

This proverb is credited as being Murphy’s law. But who cares about that. Our students certainly won’t.

I think we like making excuses….for everything. It’s a way to avoid responsibility, risk and shame. Be ready to accept failure, and to accept that things will go wrong. You can’t avoid the dread and the shame so embrace it and go on the ride, it’s what counts, the adventure that awaits in the unknown ahead.

You can’t prepare for everything, but even if you try would you really want to?

This proverb sucks, but is a good conversation starter in the English classroom. Your students will have an opportunity to share their opinions, agreeing or disagreeing and of course justifying their perspective.

There are no right or wrong answers, that’s the beauty here.

I’ve documented my pull-up journey first with 66 and then with 95 and I had no idea what would happen, but I didn’t even think about it – I just went for it.

You can get your students to reminisce here and share a story in which they overcame adversity, but first start by telling them your own 😉

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