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Skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing and Use of English

The fluency lessons  are constructed based on each individual’s needs.  We can adapt the course to suit small groups as well as individual lessons.  Participants will get practice in all skill areas.  The course is demanding and can be adjusted based on a client’s strengths and weaknesses.  We offer an initial consultation, to analyze a client’s needs and requests, while also discussing the multiple options available through the use of online resources, accredited coursebooks and authentic materials.

Some more Info

This course can start at anytime after an initial consultation with the client.  It can contain some or all of the skills mentioned above depending on the level of  English a client has already.  Tests and homework are important components of the course so as to continuously motivate and immerse a student in the learning process.

Prices: Prices may vary depending on level and focus.
  • Individual lessons:  100zl per lesson or you can buy a package of lessons in advance for 95zl per lesson.
  • Group lessons: Depend on numbers but start at 120zl per lesson or 115zl if you buy a package of lessons in advance.

Please contact us for further details.

Fluency lessons

Get started on the road to English fluency with professional development focused lessons for communication and improvement of self-confidence.

  • Client: All ages from teenagers to adults
  • Date: Flexible
  • Topics: Advanced language practice and vocabulary with a focus on soft skills, debate and discussion and justifying opinions. Some topics covered: Tourism, Fashion, Hobbies, Shopping, The media, Culture, Music, Technology,Medicine and many more

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