Ice breakers

When you meeting your new class for the first time getting off to a fantastic start is super important. Whether students know each other or not, it is also important that they get to know there teacher to some degree. Here are some ideas that could help get you off to a rocking start:


Ice Breakers

When you meeting your new class for the first time getting off to a fantastic start is super important.  Whether students know each other or not, it is also important that they get to know there teacher to some degree.  Here are some ideas that could help get you off to a rocking start:


Ask your students to write down 5 questions that they would like to ask you the teacher.  Encourage them to think of interesting questions for information they are really curious about not what your favorite color is.  Once they have been given a few minutes to do this ask if any student wants to volunteer and ask the first question.  When a student raises their hand invite them to the front of the class and tell them to pretend that they are the teacher.  They will need to answer some of their classmate’s questions about you and guess what the right answer is.  Tell them you will award him/her a point for each correct answer or half a point if they are quite close.  After about 4-5 questions ask them to sit and invite another student to come up and answer some of their classmate’s questions.

This can be a very fun way to get started with a few laughs, students get to practice asking questions which you can then get them to practice in more depth with an activity where they get to know their classmates.

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