Mark Cuban, American entrepreneur and NBA team owner has some tips from his experience on running a business.
Videos and Articles
John Green gives a fun talk on how learning can be fun, now that’s something we don’t feel most of the time. It starts with the internet…
The nerd’s guide to learning online
Sir Ken Robinson gives us the facts about our education system and how it needs to radically change if we want to help future generations be more successful. Worth watching for anyone, insightful and informative.
When do you do your best work? Are you a procrastinator? or do you get your work done early?
The urgency of not reforming our education but transforming it. Sir Ken Robinson gives a TED talk on how important education is for all of us and how creating the right circumstances can make all the difference. Revolution!
Dustin from “Getting Smarter Everyday” reveals how riding a bike backwards can reveal a profound truth about how our brains work and how we learn. Unlearning is harder than you could imagine.
Inequality in the world keep growing yet most are unaware of it. Here is a video that demonstrates how serious the problem has become. Food for thought?
Amy Cuddy gives a heartfelt talk at TED to tell us about how body language is more important than people think. Regardless of what you think your body language says or doesn’t say, Mr. Cuddy might manage to change your mind.
Body Language Shapes who you are
If you feel like your job interview didn’t go so well, keep your head up. Here’s an article about getting a second chance at a first impression.
How the media and corporations use statistics to fool us” banner_image=”4218|” banner_link=”||target:%20_blank” banner_style=”style1″ banner_color_bg=”#1c707a” image_opacity=”0.8″ image_opacity_on_hover=”0.2″ enable_responsive=”yes” responsive_min=”768″ responsive_max=”900″][interactive_banner_2 banner_title=”The danger of theme parks” banner_desc=”They are set up to take your money and serve you unhealthy food, but what are the consequences?” banner_image=”4224|” banner_style=”style1″ banner_color_bg=”#c9c9c9″ image_opacity=”0.8″ image_opacity_on_hover=”0.2″][interactive_banner_2 banner_title=”Indoor rock climbing revolution” banner_desc=”A new sport that is growing faster each year.” banner_image=”4230|” banner_link=”||target:%20_blank” banner_style=”style1″ banner_color_bg=”#bcbcbc” image_opacity=”0.8″ image_opacity_on_hover=”0.2″ enable_responsive=”yes” responsive_min=”768″ responsive_max=”900″]