I am a message box with notification type (blue).

I am a message box with attention type (yellow).

I am a message box with success type (green).

I am a message box with error type (red).

I am a message box with custom colors.

I am a message box with custom colors and custom icon.

You can add any amount of text here. Suspendisse lobortis sodales. Maecenas in dolor ligula. Vivamus quis volutpat dui, viverra urna. Phasellus nec consequat neque. Fusce sed ante nec ipsum aliquam venenatis vitae ut dui. Donec sit amet commodo nibh, et commodo mi. Praesent fringilla nisi a erat gravida ullamcorper.

I am a message box with notification type. You can close me.

I am a message box with attention type. You can close me.

I am a message box with success type. You can close me.

I am a message box with error type. You can close me.

I am a message box with custom colors. You can close me.

I am a message box with custom colors and custom icon.

You can add any amount of text here. Suspendisse lobortis sodales. Maecenas in dolor ligula. Vivamus quis volutpat dui, viverra urna. Phasellus nec consequat neque. Fusce sed ante nec ipsum aliquam venenatis vitae ut dui. Donec sit amet commodo nibh, et commodo mi.

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