ESL trailblazer videos

You are wrong! – language for polite criticism

In this episode I discuss the value in knowing what language you can use when you want to give polite criticism or soften the criticism you give. It’s incredibly valuable because as I discuss in the video, English speaking culture isn’t direct with their criticism because we simply aren’t raised that way. The culture here is important for teachers teaching English as second language as well as students learning the language. There are two previous episodes I’ve done on this subject, you can find episode 1 one of the most watched episodes on softening valuable, as well as episode 11 on the cultural differences regarding the topic.

The language covered in this episode:

constructive criticism, to attract criticism, strongly/severely/widely/sharply/heavily criticized, fierce criticism.

Expressions: My concern is/ would be…., I don’t mean to put a downer on it….., I’m not sure about it to be honest. It may be, a little too (expensive), With all due respect, Let me put it this way, To be fair, I found (the lecture, the movie, the show, the interview) to be…,


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